đŸ»Â Reflections

“This time it’s different.”

“It’s all so tiresome.”

“Go touch grass.”

“WAGMI fren.”


*puts headphones on and plays Underground Kings*

Let’s begin frens.

Back to The Basics

As things start to unwind, as teams, investors, and speculators start to get more and more disinterested or burnout. We find ourselves yet again on the cliff of the market, trading the range with x amount of leverage trying to squeeze out the same gains we reaped from the inefficiencies and nonsense of a bull, where things that don’t make sense, make sense. Where money flows like wine flowed at a Roman convivium before its inevitable downfall. You’re feeling like you’re closer than ever to 0, and you’re doing everything possible to NOT get there, unable to peel yourself from the order books like a screen zombie. If you’re reading this, you’re either there right now or you’ve been there. We all have. If this is your first time here, welcome. If you’ve been here before, welcome back. It’s time to get back to the basics.

I often find myself having conversations with people who do not spend anytime in this market outside of the occasional Uniswap trade, DCA investment into king BTC and prince ETH via their native on-ramp, glance at a CoinDesk article claiming doom & gloom, or (best one) question of “Is crypto dying or what? I’m down x%”.. and if you are anything close to human at this point, after the run up in late ‘20 post DeFi summer, the drag of a raging bull cycle in ‘21, and been psychologically tossed around in H1 of ‘22, you’ve lost some sort of humanity and became half goblin by now, you are cynical, building less, sitting in stables (if any left), and worse, dangerously bored.

It’s time to stop being a degenerate gambler and build something meaningful, or you risk staying on the path of inevitable downfall. Sure you might make some money along the way, be it 4 figures to even 8+ figures, doesn’t really matter if you’ve fucked your relationships so hard that you have no one to enjoy it with, no one to help out, no one to talk to about what you care about, no legacy to work on, etc. Do you really want to be known as a degenerate screen junkie that built nothing outside of short term gratification from dumping on your frens and/or locked up funds? Imagine the smell.

Survive the đŸ»

If you’re deeply familiar with CT, most will tell you to “survive” meaning make sure you don’t blow your wad. Keep your cash, keep your ETH, keep your BTC, whatever else. But who the fuck is telling you to keep your mind right? Your relationships right? Family? Frens? Here’s a list of wholesome shit you wanna ‘deploy’ your time into throughout đŸ» times:

  • Call up frens & family. Check up on them, and get together, often.
  • Meditate daily, bi-daily, or weekly. Protecc mindfulness.
  • Go for a minimum of 30min walks as often as possible. Post-meal walks helps the most with digestion, sleep, and mindfulness. You will notice almost immediately.
  • Eat often, stay hydrated. Keep your metabolism running on high. Peak physique, peak mentality, peak gains. (on &/or off the orderbooks)
  • Exercise. Hit the gym fren, or go for a run outside, find an open air park and practice calisthenics.
  • Stay Optimistic, or become Optimistic. The doom n gloom shit gets you nowhere but down only anon.
  • Journaling. Could be a simple to-do list for the day, week, month, etc or just dumping your thoughts on pen and paper.
  • Travel. Take this time to go see new places whether your alone or bring frens/family, adventure will spark so many new neural connections in your brain. Steve Jobs claims his achievements came after a trip he took to India way before he started Apple. Jeff Bezos wrote the first plans for Amazon on a napkin while driving somewhere in the US. Dietrich Mateschitz started Red Bull after a trip to Thailand where he met his co-founder. (iirc kek) Countless more devote their success to the travels they embarked on to new places.
  • Build cool shit. Keep your network tight and check in on them often, they might feel what you feel and have a crazy strong urge to build cool shit through markets like this. You never know what someone else is thinking that may align with your thoughts.
  • Keep your eye on the space even if just by glance. There are tons of sources writing about latest happenings that you can keep even minimal tabs on so you can keep a pulse check on market sentiment/catalysts while you rest + grow your mind & body.
  • Spirituality growth. I don’t know what you care for or believe in. But find something that drives you outside of this material world. Religion, a humanitarian cause, traveling, etc all contribute to this growth, all this shit without a higher purpose for oneself means nothing.
  • Touch Grass. Actually go and touch grass. Stop LARPing on Twitter.
  • Turn off Twitter notifications. Protecc mindfulness. This shits hard but push towards the goal of not letting Twitter keep you on its leash.

Be Greedy When it Comes to Your Growth

Last bera cycle in late ‘17, early ‘18, I was in a completely different industry, doing shit I did enjoy to an extent, but as a consumer not as a service provider. This was a key realization for me as I came face to face with my desires to have a better life and work the way I wanted to, with people I wanted to work with, in a space I wanted to work in.

Take Risk. This is the time to be greedy when it comes to your growth and go all in on YOU. You will thank yourself in due time, and when that time comes you know the exact moment, you can’t miss it. It’s hard to remember that the people behind your favorite accounts are just that - people. Just like you. With the same humanly desires, flaws, shortcomings, successes, and more. I’d also argue that if one has to flaunt about their shit on Twitter, they don’t got it how it looks. Even if they do, unless you aspire to a lifestyle that requires you to flaunt about it, you might want to think twice about tuning in to such noise. If you think age has anything to do with you taking risk, think again. Those closest to you should and will support you, and if they don’t, fine. You have a massive online community that is not only open to invest in your ideas and hear about your goals, but is there for you to speak to as well. This space is proof of that.

I tend to find peace in these times, things aren’t moving 750,000mph, the speed of information slowing helps to digest everything and take a closer look at things I previously felt I couldn’t research or understand as the lack of bandwidth made it hard to chill for a sec and grow the 🧠.

BREAKING: You're okay, anon.
BREAKING: You're okay, anon.

Back to touching grass & building █████.

Have a great day, and best of luck. I hope to hear your ideas, and more so hear how you overcome ze dreaded bera vibes. đŸ»



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